
Liposuction Surgeons

This site is a guide for you to learn more about the cosmetic surgery procedure known as liposuction. As with any plastic or cosmetic surgery, there is a wealth of information to take in as you research your options to achieve your goals. Within this site you’ll find information on the various liposuction types including the different techniques and parts of the body that are options, surgery prices and the different parts of these costs, and more. As each liposuction procedure is different and custom tailored for each patient, the price that you pay may be different than the patient sitting next to you. For your convenience we also have a comprehensive list of liposuction surgeons across the US for you to browse. Choose a state and city to find local specialists that can give you a consultation, professional advice, and a personalized price quote for the procedure of your choice.

What is Liposuction?

The cosmetic surgery known as liposuction, often called lipoplasty and liposculpture, is an operation to remove fat from various sites on the human body. During this procedure the patient’s fat is removed from under the skin with the use of a vacuum-suction canula or using an ultrasonic probe that breaks up the fat into tiny pieces which is then removed via suction. The liposuction surgery is suggested as an alternative to proper exercise and diet or to be used as a weight loss method. Since it is a surgical procedure it carries significant risks that the patient must take into consideration. Continue to this page of our website to learn more about all of the liposuction risks.

Abdomen Liposuction
The abdomen is one of the most frequently treated body parts for liposuction. Abdominal liposuction works to remove abdominal subcutaneous fat. Abdominal fat deposits can be extremely resistant to diet and exercise. Abdominal liposuction is frequently requested by both men and women who want a flatter tummy. Fat is removed from under the skin with the use of a vacuum-suction canula or using an ultrasonic probe that emulfsies the fat and then removes it with suction.
Popular Cities: Austin > Beverly Hills > Boston > Dallas > Fort Lauderdale > Los Angeles > Miami > Newport Beach > New York > Philadelphia > Phoenix > Seattle

Body Contouring
Body contouring surgery includes liposuction, tummy tuck surgery – abdominoplasty, thigh lift and more. Following significant weight loss the patient typically has significant areas of skin excess. Body contouring surgeons address these problems with different options including abdominoplasty, breast lift, upper arm lift, thigh lift, and lower body lift.
Popular Cities: Austin > Beverly Hills > Boston > Dallas > Fort Lauderdale > Los Angeles > Miami > Newport Beach > New York > Philadelphia > Phoenix > Seattle

Facial Liposuction
Chubby cheeks, double chins, and lumpy necks are all common facial concerns that can not be worked off. Liposuction is frequently performed in conjunction with facelift surgery, but it may be performed by itself. Most facial liposuction procedures remove relatively small amounts of fat compared to other procedures, but facial liposuction can produce noticeable results with very little fat loss.
Popular Cities: Austin > Beverly Hills > Boston > Dallas > Fort Lauderdale > Los Angeles > Miami > Newport Beach > New York > Philadelphia > Phoenix > Seattle

Neck Liposuction
A firmer, trim neck can give the face a more youthful look and when the jowls begin to show a neck liposuction procedure can help. Liposuction is performed through small incisions under the chin and behind each ear and the muscle is tightened with fine sutures. This minimally invasive technique restores the youthful neck without long recovery periods or excessive swelling.
Popular Cities: Austin > Beverly Hills > Boston > Dallas > Fort Lauderdale > Los Angeles > Miami > Newport Beach > New York > Philadelphia > Phoenix > Seattle

Thigh Liposculpture
Thigh liposculpture is a popular cosmetic procedure used to slim and shape the upper legs and is often used to balance the body line by removing excess fatty tissue from the upper legs. The thigh liposucture procedure is liposuction that uses ultrasound to break fat into small sections.
Popular Cities: Austin > Beverly Hills > Boston > Dallas > Fort Lauderdale > Los Angeles > Miami > Newport Beach > New York > Philadelphia > Phoenix > Seattle

Liposuction Prices

Below are national average costs for the various types of surgeries performed. It is important to remember that these are averages and that you need to contact a local doctor for a price quote specific to your body, procedure, and surgeon. There are also other costs that will be considered which is outlined here in our pricing section.

Abdomen Liposuction:
$4,250Body Contouring:$6,250
Facial Liposuction:$5,250Neck Liposuction:$5,250
Thigh Liposculpture:$4,250Liposuction:$4,550

Liposuction Types & Techniques

While the liposuction surgeon you choose will suggest a type of surgery based on your specific situation, it will help if you take the time to learn about each type and understand the differences, risks, benefits, etc. Below are the various techniques and types of liposuction surgery.

Wet liposuction
During this procedure a small amount of fluid is injected into the area, which is less in volume then the amount of fat to be removed. This fluid helps to loosen the fat cells and reduce the amount of bruising. The fat cells are then suctioned out as in the basic liposuction procedure.

Super-wet liposuctionIn this type of liposuction the infusate volume is roughly the same amount as the volume of fat expected to be removed. This is the preferred technique for high-volume liposuction as it better balances hemostasis and potential fluid overload. This surgical procedure can last from one to three hours, depending on the size of the treated areas.

Tumescent liposuctionDuring this type of surgery not just a small amount, but a large amount of fluid is injected into the area, perhaps as much as three or four times the volume of fat to be removed. While the same saline fluid is used, the increased quantity creates space between the muscle and the fatty tissue which creates more room for the suction tube that is used to remove the fat cells. This liposuction surgery can take from three to four hours longer than basic liposuction.

External ultrasound-assisted liposuctionXUAL is a type of UAL where the ultrasonic energy is applied from outside the body, through the skin, making the specialized cannula of the UAL procedure unnecessary. It was developed because surgeons found that in some cases, the UAL method caused skin necrosis (death) and seromas, which are pockets of a pale yellowish fluid from the body, analogous to hematomas (pockets of red blood cells). XUAL is a possible way to avoid such complications by having the ultrasound applied externally.

Power-assisted liposuctionPAL uses a specialized cannula with mechanized movement, so that the surgeon does not need to make as many manual movements. Otherwise it is similar to traditional UAL.

Suction-assisted liposuctionSuction-assisted liposuction is the standard method of liposuction. In this approach, a small cannula (like a straw) is inserted through a small incision. It is attached to a vacuum device. The surgeon pushes and pulls it carefully through the fat layer, breaking up the fat cells and drawing them out of the body by suction.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuctionAlso referred to as ultrasonic liposuction. A specialized cannula is used which transmits ultrasound vibrations within the body. This vibration bursts the walls of the fat cells, emulsifying the fat, i.e., liquefying it, and making it easier to suction out.

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